Monday, December 13, 2010

Corner Kisses

This is a block of my own design, and I sewed it in reds and greens in honor of the Christmas season!

(The fact that I'm using these fabrics in many of my blocks is just a coincidence:) )

Fabric Requirements:
Light: (1) 4 1/2" square; (4) 2 1/2" squares
Dark: (8) 2 1/2" squares for making flying geese sections; (4) 2 7/8" squares, cut in half diagonally
Background: (8) 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" rectangles; (2) 5" squares, cut in half diagonally

Always sew scant 1/4" seams on the quilt blocks.
Using the light 2 1/2" squares, sew a dark triangle to the side of each square, press towards the triangle. Sew a second triangle to the square, forming a large triangle. Again, press out towards the triangle piece.

Sew one of the 5" half-square diagonal pieces to the previous piece, forming the corner sections. Press towards the background fabric.

For the flying geese sections, draw diagonal lines on the wrong side of all the little 2 1/2" squares. Lay one of the 2 1/2"squares on top of a 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" rectangle, lining up the outer corners. Sew directly on the diagonal line, or just barely to the side of the line on the outer corner side. Trim the fabric to 1/4" seam allowance on the outer corner. Press out. Line up a second small square on the other side of the rectangle and repeat the sewing and trimming. Press out again. You should now have a finished flying geese section. Make four of these.

Sew each of the flying geese sections to one of the 4 1/2" x 2 1/2" background rectangles, being sure to sew exactly across the X of the stitching on the flying geese section so that the tips will be nice and sharp looking. Press towards the rectangle piece.

Sew a corner section to either side of two flying geese pieces, following the picture placement so that the corner kisses will be shaped right. These will be the top and bottom rows of the quilt block.

Sew the remaining flying geese sections to either side of the 4 1/2" light square. Press towards the center. This is the center row of your quilt block.

Now, line up the rows and sew them all together. Press well. You're done!

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