Saturday, February 20, 2010

Dressed to the Nines

Our venture into the block-of-the-month venue will begin with a series of 12" nine-patch blocks. We're going to call the finished quilt design, "Dressed to the Nines." Rachel and I will take turns choosing the blocks, and we will both sew the block in our own fabric choices so you get to see multiple variations of the finished block. Feel free to ask for more specific directions if ours don't give you the information you need.

The first patch is my choice, and this is the block I picked. One name for it is "Kitchen Woodbox," but with my particular fabric choices, I've renamed it, "Rosy Woodbox." The fabric requirements are listed below.

Fabric needed—

Color A (light):
(2) 4 7/8” squares, cut diagonally to form 4 half-square triangles
(1) 4 ½” square

Color B (medium):
(4) 2 ½” squares
(4) 2 ½ x 4 1/2” rectangles

Color C (dark):
(4) 2 7/8” squares, cut diagonally to form 8 half-square triangles
(4) 2 ½ x 4 ½” rectangles


1. Using the 2 ½ x 4 ½” rectangles, sew one of colors B and C together, forming four 4 ½” squares. Press seams towards the dark.

2. Sew one of the previously pieced squares to each side of the 4 ½” square of color A. Press seams away from light fabric. Set aside. This is the center row of the block.

3. Using the 2 ½” squares of color B, and the 2 7/8” half-square triangles of color C, sew one triangle to each square, being careful to attach the right angle edge of the triangle, (not the bias cut edge) to the square. Press seams towards the square. Now sew another triangle to each square to form a 4 7/8” pieced triangle. Repeat until you have 4 units.

4. Sew each pieced triangle to one 4 7/8” half-square triangle of color A. Four units. Press seams towards the light fabric.

5. Sew one pieced triangle unit to each side of the pieced squares. These are your top and bottom rows.

6. Sew the rows together, matching seams.

7. Press thoroughly.


  1. What's the best type of fabric? 100% cotton? Be patient - I'm a newbie!

  2. Quilting purists will say 100% cotton, but Rachel told me she uses cotton blends sometimes, and so do I. In fact, I use cotton blends almost all the time just because I always buy whatever is on sale that I like.

  3. I think you have a typo on step 3, the squares are color B I thought. and that's what it looks like based on your pictures. Let me know if I messed it up
