Friday, May 14, 2010

No Apology--No Tardiness!

Rachel did not need to apologize for being late to post a block. It wasn't her turn! She rescued me as I was recovering from an unexpected root canal. My sweet sister-in-law called me, out of the blue, and said she felt like she needed to check on me. I told her the whole 10 day ordeal of a story and she volunteered to post her next block ahead of time.
Bet you wish you had a sister like that!!

Moral of the story--I need to get stuff done ahead of time. Maybe I'll even be able to rescue Rachel one day :)


  1. I have several sisters-in-law like that, it's really nice! I was just trying to return one of many favors. I'm sure you will have plenty more opportunities to rescue me. I hope your mouth is better!!!

  2. Fortunately school is out this week so I should be able to get caught up. Is the plan to put all these blocks together into one quilt? Should I be using colors for each block that go together?

  3. You can choose similar colors so they all blend, so use up random fabrics in what's called a 'scrappy' quilt. Totally up to you.
